Today I installed the latest (10240) Windows 10 Tech Preview build.
This is the RTM build that will be released to the general public on July 29.
A long time ago I made it a habit not to use Windows express settings … EVER.
Today it definitely paid up … after the build was installed, Windows went through the process of updating/optimizing all the apps on the computer and then took me through a short setup process.
Part of the process was customizing the Windows settings, with the standard two options: express or custom (this one in a smaller font somewhere at the bottom of the page).
Right on the first page there are some options that can be cataloged as Data Mining or key logging:
Fair to say that the vast majority of home/small business users will go for the express settings and in turn send vast amounts of personal/confidential data to Microsoft.
This begs the question of how the data is transmitted/stored (SSL, etc) and who’s got access to it.